Novesian Angel in Potsdam


Art as a connecting element between Neuss, Potsdam and Morocco is currently demonstrated by Ali Saoudi from Neuss/Reuschenberg with an exhibition of some of his works in the Bahnhofspassagen in Potsdam. Saoudi started his artistic career at the Art Academy in Dusseldorf in 1972 and was master student of Professor Joseph Beuys. The artist from Neuss who was born in Casablanca / Morocco, living for more than 30 years in Neuss, can refer in his artistic career to many exhibitions at home and abroad, among others in Paris, Brussels, Casablanca, Rabat and Basel. He has shown his relationship to Neuss and his love to the Lower Rhine landscape in many lithographs and oil paintings. Now in Potsdam, he presents for the first time an image of an angel pointing to Quirinus Münster, the "Angel of Novesia". Next to the "Old Fritz" by Dieter Patt - seen in front of a large hotel in Potsdam - it's the second work of an artist from Neuss . The exhibition in Potsdam runs until December 4 and is later exhibited  in the Moroccan Embassy in Berlin.

Ali Saoudi presents the "Angel of Novesia"


